Wednesday, August 7, 2013


       Summer is the joyous bounding of a golden retriever into the cold river, barking, fetching a stick.
Summer is time for being away from your home and then having long cool evenings in the back yard filled with neighborhood sounds: kids laughing, lawn mowers, music. It's being outside much of every day. It's the reluctance to bake anything inside the house, and the willingness to break routines, go camping, hike a new trail....but wait! I just saw a leaf fall outside my window. What? Really? It's coming to a close?
Fall and Winter bring the opportunity for inward gazes, untangling stories, quiet meditation techniques, reading books. It's a time to de-stress, and that's where "TIME OUT" becomes Time In. Let me help you unravel the knots of emotional holding, let crystals cleanse your field. Let your heart unfold with a compassionate listener who witnesses to the power of Being, the power of Healing and Oneness. Call today. In Hamilton.
TIME OUT: Rest. Relax. Remember.   546-5344   $30/hour or Trades Welcome.   Tues-Fridays

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