Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I've been skidding around the web, like a cat on ice, looking at mindfulness websites. There's a lot of them. My heart really picked up when I found one with an 8-week course, on line, in mindfulness for stress reduction! Yes! Good for me, and good for TIME OUT: take the course, then teach the course. And the best part it was a relatively affordable $495.

Being a cautious soul, I continued skating around the site, only to discover the REAL teacher training is $1895, plus travel and weeks at a time an east or west coast locations. Not really what I want do or spend at this point in my life.

Reviewing the syllabus I discovered to my delight that I feel quite qualified to offer Mindfulness in the valley. I have a number of Buddhist retreats under my belt, and a lifetime of delving deeper and deeper into the moment. After all, wasn't the watchword in the seventies BE HERE NOW? Happily, I live with a Tai Chi master, and I've taught breathing for decades.

I would love to share these practices with those who are interested in REMEMBERING, RELEARNING, and again diving into mindfulness...for their hearts, their minds and their bodies.

So let's get together...bring a friend, spouse, family member!

MARCH 3  -  MONDAY --  5:30 - 8:30 pm  (Come already having had dinner.)
     Bring a pillow, a blanket, your open heart and your beautiful breath. 
         Location to be announced!